Experience Has Taught Me

Of course! Like they say that experience is the best teacher and if you do not learn from your past experiences that you are a fool, i do concur. Life has taught me how hard it can hit me and how harsh its coldness feels. I have come to learn the fact that if you do not tutor yourself someone somewhere will teach you to learn from theirs. Though i may be open to new ideas and opinions i have still learnt a lot. Experience is indeed the best teacher, teaches you to use your failure as a fuel to succeed or remain on your butt. Different people with different life stories many which are sad to the ears and heart wrenching. Experience has taught me that i can always try again and again, start over if my pyramid crumbles, start on a fresh slate and get it better this time around. Trust is another aspect in which i can tap experience on the back for cos experience has taught me to select carefully who i choose to trust and open the doors of my heart to. So many fake ...