Happy holidays to all my ardent readers. To all my Muslim brothers and sisters, I say Barka de sallah... it's really a long holiday which is totally good for my soul.. All through this week I have been going through so much, from work, to sorting out my life and most especially emotional worries ( majorly the problem), last week I saw something that isn't the first time I will be seeing it but this time it totally put me off and I decided I wasn't going to take any of it anymore. I spoke to the person involved and I got same reply as always.... chill. Well, I told this person to go sort all the issues this person has and then the person can decide to come for me but until then no more closure..... At this point so many thoughts came up in my head, I started skipping food, my weight reduced and just this morning I asked my mother if i've grown skinny and she said yes! Omg! This morning I got down on my knees to pray( I haven't prayed personally in a long time) ...