So we begin from where we stopped last week. If you are just reading this post for the first time, I will encourage you to read the previous post. It contains all the little info my head could put down for the first part of the article and am sure it will change your mindsets forever. Now to this part which is the concluding part of YOUR VISION IS YOUR TOMORROW, we will quickly discuss some vital details; hopefully it will be both a healing and learning process for us. COMPONENTS OF VISION 1. Vision is Explanatory: It explains itself. It doesn’t hoard itself. Your vision will seek to explain it cause so that others can either buy into it or chase after it. 2. Vision is Work: I keep saying it all the time, your vision will not just start up; it needs the fuel; which is work. You need to work your vision from the dream level to the Finish level. We have often heard the saying which goes ‘ faith without work is death’ same applies to your vision. You cannot just wa...