In a world full of mysteries. So much suffering and poverty. A world filled with different ethnic and ethnicity. So much love to offer yet accorded with hate. It becomes so hard to stand out and make a difference. To stand for the truth come rain come sunshine. It becomes difficult for you to see the right thing and point it out because every one is on the opposite direction. I was chatting with a close pal some days ago on a particular issue and to say my respect for her dropped from 100 to nil is an understatement. It was obvious she was avoiding the truth though it was totally clear what the truth was. I realized people only choose to believe in what they like. What makes them feel good and relevant. What they think is the truth. After several back and forth with her I just stopped responding to her. And I am sure I won't be talking to her again. See, if you know the right path, follow it a lot of people in their thousands may be going the other direction. It might be...