A lot of time we hear people say the best is yet to come, but we never know the actual time this best is set to come! Like me, whenever I hear this, something cringes inside my stomach. Often times, we have so many things planned out for ourselves and instead of working thus plans to fruity, we lazy under the umbrella of "the best is yet to come". I write from this view. I haven't been outside Nigeria most of my life but the little I have seen here is enough for me to state that most Nigerians are the problems of themselves. Take for instance, you have an idea in your mind to start an Ice block business and knowing that the business involves a large amount of capital, time and energy you sit in your house all day chanting "I know I will make it, the best is yet to come" when the proper thing to do is to go out and source for the capital needed to kick start your business. Your best is not yet to come, your best is HERE! Now is the time to launch out into th...