So this is the concluding part of our discussion. Read on and share 3. APOLOGIZE:- Apology goes a long way in correcting one's wrong as this will ultimately prove that you have changed. It also shows that you are remorseful. After taking responsibility, you have to also apologize no matter who was wrong or right. 4. IDENTIFY YOUR MISTAKES/ CORRECT THEM/ MOVE ON:- One thing I did wrong about the incident I used as an example earlier was my inability to identify and accept my flaws but the good news is I later did, you too can! In all things we do in life, people will get on our last nerves same as we too will on theirs, people will walk over you, treat you basically as trash ( family, friends, colleagues, partners just name it) but we should not see it as an avenue to be mistaken. Be guided. Treat them with love, help them see where they have wronged you and accept them for who they are. You can also show them how to correct their mistakes and most importantly, allow them to mo...