Do you know you are wonderfully and fearfully made? Only made that another version if you cannot be found else where in the world? So unique that no one carries your prototype? If your answer is yes, then know this today, you have made it in life. While working on this topic, I was watching a wedding video of a cerebral palsy warrior, he is a graduate in one of the most expensive University here in Nigeria, a resourceful marketer. I couldn't believe my eyes! He is wonderfully made to fit into God's plan for his life. What about you? So you think you cannot go beyond your current predicament? Or that you cannot get a better job? You think someone is doing better than you? That heart break was so devastating and you think you cannot love again? Oh, she spoke badly of me and now I have low self esteem? Come on girl,Look beyond now and know a better you lies inside waiting to burst out! You have being programmed in a way that anything life throws at you, you can contain. Yo...