Problems. We all have them. Some are small, others are big. But whatever life is throwing our way, the one thing remains true: We think about them. We think about solutions and worries, whether it’s productive or not. However, sometimes this thinking can become so constant that it’s impossible to stop. But if we want to take action in our lives and live in the moment, we need to learn to stop it. The problem that we’ve all experienced, however, is that the harder we try to stop thinking, the more intense our thinking becomes. So, what can we do? Check out the below 5 strategies to help you stop overthinking so you can start living. 1) Practice present moment awareness using mindfulness A 2007 study called “Mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference” by Norman Farb at the University of Toronto, broke new ground in our understanding of mindfulness from a neuroscience perspective. They found that humans have two different sets of networks...