
Showing posts from August, 2017


So this is the concluding part of our discussion. Read on and share 3. APOLOGIZE:- Apology goes a long way in correcting one's wrong as this will ultimately prove that you have changed. It also shows that you are remorseful. After taking responsibility, you have to also apologize no matter who was wrong or right. 4. IDENTIFY YOUR MISTAKES/ CORRECT THEM/ MOVE ON:- One thing I did wrong about the incident I used as an example earlier was my inability to identify and accept my flaws but the good news is I later did, you too can! In all things we do in life, people will get on our last nerves same as we too will on theirs, people will walk over you, treat you basically as trash ( family, friends, colleagues, partners just name it) but we should not see it as an avenue to be mistaken. Be guided. Treat them with love, help them see where they have wronged you and accept them for who they are. You can also show them how to correct their mistakes and most importantly, allow them to mo...


Do you know you are wonderfully and fearfully made? Only made that another version if you cannot be found else where in the world? So unique that no one carries your prototype? If your answer is yes, then know this today, you have made it in life. While working on this topic, I was watching a wedding video of a cerebral palsy warrior, he is a graduate in one of the most expensive University here in Nigeria, a resourceful marketer. I couldn't believe my eyes! He is wonderfully made to fit into God's plan for his life. What about you? So you think you cannot go beyond your current predicament? Or that you cannot get a better job? You think someone is doing better than you? That heart break was so devastating and you think you cannot love again? Oh, she spoke badly of me and now I have low self esteem? Come on girl,Look beyond now and know a better you lies inside waiting to burst out! You have being programmed in a way that anything life throws at you, you can contain. Yo...


Early this morning I was having my morning devotion and as I scanned through my phone for the topic of today's message I saw something that both opened and pricked my heart in which so many of us are fully guilty of ( I do not exempt myself), we all are guilty of it as some point in our lives. Admitting that you are wrong can be very tasking and tedious you know? But it takes an individual with an excellent spirit and character to admit one's wrong-doing. You know, it is tasking. This topic reminds me of an issue that happened between my sister and I. You see it happened that I was the one who was wrong but I couldn't bring myself to admit my fault. I was hot-headed and this act robbed off on our closeness and communication for that week but we later got back some how, we are sisters! Having said all these, I want us to look at the next few points on how to admit a mistake, they include: 1. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY:- The first step to do take in admitting your mistake...


A lot of time we hear people say the best is yet to come, but we never know the actual time this best is set to come! Like me, whenever I hear this, something cringes inside my stomach. Often times, we have so many things planned out for ourselves and instead of working thus plans to fruity, we lazy under the umbrella of "the best is yet to come". I write from this view. I haven't been outside Nigeria most of my life but the little I have seen here is enough for me to state that most Nigerians are the problems of themselves. Take for instance, you have an idea in your mind to start an Ice block business and knowing that the business involves a large amount of capital, time and energy you sit in your house all day chanting "I know I will make it, the best is yet to come" when the proper thing to do is to go out and source for the capital needed to kick start your business. Your best is not yet to come, your best is HERE! Now is the time to launch out into th...