What Type of Woman Are You?

Black women When he(God) created them, he made them male(Alpha ego) and female( out of his ribs). Taking a stroll back to the story of mankind's creation, we read in the book of Genesis where it all began, the story of how man was formed from dust and was made to sleep and the woman created from a part of him which explains --- Woman(meaning from Man). The woman although formed from the man's ribs is distinctly different in every way from the man, thus it is safe to say they both operate under different mandates. As a young woman hoping to get married some day and start my own family away from my family, I have overtime come to realize the need to discover myself and groom myself into someone marri-able. This is because you need to realize yourself. You need to discover your talents, weak points, strength and so forth. You need to discover the woman you are before the world discovers you....simple You are a female, yes. You are a woman, we believe. But what kind of...