WHO YOU ARE You are awesome. You are capable. You are everything someone wants. You are the best creation of the Living God. Irrespective of what life throws at you, you are capable to take it all. You are beautiful in your brokenness. WHO ARE YOU You are reliable. You are trustworthy. You are a shoulder to lean on. Irrespective of how ugly you think you are, you are the most beautiful thing walking the face of the earth. I don't care if you are the most popular girl In school or in your office. I do not care if you are the timid type who shy away all the time because you have got some low self esteem, I do not even care if your friends do not want to be friends with you no more..... You are unique. Created for a purpose. You are a raw diamond, the finest of your kind! Girl, you are beautiful and full of potential! Look yourself in the mirror and do not like what you see? Go back and see the wonder of God's creation, you! So when the devil comes to steal...
His Hustle
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Dear ladies That a man does not have a befitting job specification does not mean he is invalid or doesn't have a bright future. I stumbled on a post on a group and the guy was talking about how he met a cute lady at a wedding, she searched for him on Facebook, found him, they started gisting everyday and when she asked what he does for a living and he said he is a Taxify driver, she bolted! Hmm Please do not get me wrong. But I do not see anything bad in being a cab driver. It is a legal and honest job. It might not really pay much but it is something that someone out there will be happy to have. See ehn, when a man tells you the truth and you react like this, he will never ever tell you another. I see you like lies, oh I work as the deputy manager of this and that or some other sweet lies. See, nothing lasts forever no condition is permanent. If he is a cab driver today, tomorrow he might be the next Innoson, Dangote, Otedola e.t.c Do not despise a man because of the ...
What Type of Woman Are You?
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Black women When he(God) created them, he made them male(Alpha ego) and female( out of his ribs). Taking a stroll back to the story of mankind's creation, we read in the book of Genesis where it all began, the story of how man was formed from dust and was made to sleep and the woman created from a part of him which explains --- Woman(meaning from Man). The woman although formed from the man's ribs is distinctly different in every way from the man, thus it is safe to say they both operate under different mandates. As a young woman hoping to get married some day and start my own family away from my family, I have overtime come to realize the need to discover myself and groom myself into someone marri-able. This is because you need to realize yourself. You need to discover your talents, weak points, strength and so forth. You need to discover the woman you are before the world discovers you....simple You are a female, yes. You are a woman, we believe. But what kind of...
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So this is a conclusion on our previous discussion on how to stop over thinking, I hope the previous write up helped you? Well, this concluding part will further enlighten you. 3) Understand that everything comes and goes According to Zen Master Shunry Sazuki, the underlying key to calming the mind is to accept change: “Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately, although it is true, it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transiency, we suffer.” Everything changes, it’s the fundamental law of the universe. Yet, we find it hard to accept it. We identify strongly with our fixed appearance, with our body and our personality. And when it changes, we suffer. However, Sazuki says we can overcome this by recognizing that the contents of our minds are in perpetual flux. Everything about consciousness comes and goes. Realizing this in the heat of the moment can diffuse fear, anger, gra...
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I pledge to Nigeria my country To be faithful loyal and honest To serve our father land With love and strength and faith The labour of our hero's past Shall never be in vain To serve with heart and might One nation bound in freedom Peace and unity So goes the National pledge of our beloved country. I was born here, on this land, with a heritage that introduces me to the world. Nigeria has well over 200 ethnic groups and culture. We pride ourselves as the " Giant of Africa". We are so rich in oil, crude, cocoa, rubber, cotton, granite etc. Our landmark itself is history. We have seen and had so many hero's past. Some as living legends some as past hero's. Undivided we stand. Right from existence God's love has always been evident to us. We rarely have the Landslide, Tsunami, Earthquake, Hurricane, Flooding natural disasters which other country live with. God loves us so much! On this day, we should all reflect on our achievements and shortcoming...
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The heart is a very fragile organ of the body. It's that key factor that glues the body system together in coordination. It has to be treated with love and care. This days, I see so many young adults and adults throwing caution to the wind and bearing it all. I mean there is a saying that says " guide your heart jealously ". The matters of the heart includes:- 1. Heartbreak 2.insufficient love 3. Lack of communication 4. Trust issues 5. Vain gain 6. Lack of affection, Care, attention. See any relationship without adequate dosage of all these ingredients will eventually hit the rock if not properly handled. I am a pioneer of love. I am a sucker for love. I love love and that's why I pride myself as a good teacher on such topic. It's not just enough to mouth the words, do more to put these words into action. I think Nigerian men are quite backwards with handling a woman's heart. And I am not saying the woman is a saint, far from it. See, if a per...
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Alot of people go into a relationship with this idea in their heads " he/she said * I love you*. The magic word that melts all mountains in their hearts but how many relationship actually survive and thrive on this theory? Your guess is as good as mine, None. That he/she sings I love you praise and worship sweet nonsense to your ears should not be the only reason you go into a relationship with them. Take for instance, he/she said I love you and you knowing well he/she is a serial liar and cheat and you starts basking in the euphoria of that word not minding who they really are? I am sorry for your heart. Most times people will say almost about anything just to win you over, that they say the magic word is not enough room for you to DOWNPLAY your STANDARDS. Be wise. Thread with caution. Use your brain. If a person really loves you it should be unquantifiable, without bias. See I have seen and felt enough as an adult to be a judge on such topic and I tell you "I love yo...