
Showing posts from 2017

What Type of Woman Are You?

Black women When he(God)  created them, he made them male(Alpha ego) and female( out of his ribs). Taking a stroll back to the story of mankind's creation, we read in the book of Genesis where it all began, the story of how man was formed from dust and was made to sleep and the woman created from a part of him which explains --- Woman(meaning from Man). The woman although formed from the man's ribs is distinctly different in every way from the man, thus it is safe to say they both operate under different mandates. As a young woman hoping to get married some day and start my own family away from my family, I have overtime come to realize the need to  discover myself and groom myself into someone marri-able. This is because you need to realize yourself. You need to discover your talents, weak points, strength and so forth. You need to discover the woman you are before the world discovers you....simple You are a female, yes. You are a woman, we believe. But what kind of...


So this is a conclusion on our previous discussion on how to stop over thinking, I hope the previous write up helped you? Well, this concluding part will further enlighten you. 3) Understand that everything comes and goes According to Zen Master Shunry Sazuki, the underlying key to calming the mind is to accept change: “Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately, although it is true, it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transiency, we suffer.” Everything changes, it’s the fundamental law of the universe. Yet, we find it hard to accept it. We identify strongly with our fixed appearance, with our body and our personality. And when it changes, we suffer. However, Sazuki says we can overcome this by recognizing that the contents of our minds are in perpetual flux. Everything about consciousness comes and goes. Realizing this in the heat of the moment can diffuse fear, anger, gra...


I pledge to Nigeria my country To be faithful loyal and honest To serve our father land With love and strength and faith The labour of our hero's past Shall never be in vain To serve with heart and might One nation bound in freedom Peace and unity So goes the National pledge of our beloved country. I was born here, on this land, with a heritage that introduces me to the world. Nigeria has well over 200 ethnic groups and culture. We pride ourselves as the " Giant of Africa". We are so rich in oil, crude, cocoa, rubber, cotton, granite etc. Our landmark itself is history. We have seen and had so many hero's past. Some as living legends some as past hero's. Undivided we stand. Right from existence God's love has always been evident to us. We rarely have the Landslide, Tsunami, Earthquake, Hurricane, Flooding natural disasters which other country live with. God loves us so much! On this day, we should all reflect on our achievements and shortcoming...


The heart is a very fragile organ of the body. It's that key factor that glues the body system together in coordination. It has to be treated with love and care. This days, I see so many young adults and adults throwing caution to the wind and bearing it all. I mean there is a saying that says " guide your heart jealously ". The matters of the heart includes:- 1. Heartbreak 2.insufficient love 3. Lack of communication 4. Trust issues 5. Vain gain 6. Lack of affection, Care, attention. See any relationship without adequate dosage of all these ingredients will eventually hit the rock if not properly handled. I am a pioneer of love. I am a sucker for love. I love love and that's why I pride myself as a good teacher on such topic. It's not just enough to mouth the words, do more to put these words into action. I think Nigerian men are quite backwards with handling a woman's heart. And I am not saying the woman is a saint, far from it. See, if a per...


Alot of people go into a relationship with this idea in their heads " he/she said * I love you*. The magic word that melts all mountains in their hearts but how many relationship actually survive and thrive on this theory? Your guess is as good as mine, None. That he/she sings I love you praise and worship sweet nonsense to your ears should not be the only reason you go into a relationship with them. Take for instance, he/she said I love you and you knowing well he/she is a serial liar and cheat and you starts basking in the euphoria of that word not minding who they really are? I am sorry for your heart. Most times people will say almost about anything just to win you over, that they say the magic word is not enough room for you to DOWNPLAY your STANDARDS. Be wise. Thread with caution. Use your brain. If a person really loves you it should be unquantifiable, without bias. See I have seen and felt enough as an adult to be a judge on such topic and I tell you "I love yo...


Problems. We all have them. Some are small, others are big. But whatever life is throwing our way, the one thing remains true: We think about them. We think about solutions and worries, whether it’s productive or not. However, sometimes this thinking can become so constant that it’s impossible to stop. But if we want to take action in our lives and live in the moment, we need to learn to stop it. The problem that we’ve all experienced, however, is that the harder we try to stop thinking, the more intense our thinking becomes. So, what can we do? Check out the below 5 strategies to help you stop overthinking so you can start living. 1) Practice present moment awareness using mindfulness A 2007 study called “Mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference” by Norman Farb at the University of Toronto, broke new ground in our understanding of mindfulness from a neuroscience perspective. They found that humans have two different sets of networks...


In a world full of mysteries. So much suffering and poverty. A world filled with different ethnic and ethnicity. So much love to offer yet accorded with hate. It becomes so hard to stand out and make a difference. To stand for the truth come rain come sunshine. It becomes difficult for you to see the right thing and point it out because every one is on the opposite direction. I was chatting with a close pal some days ago on a particular issue and to say my respect for her dropped from 100 to nil is an understatement. It was obvious she was avoiding the truth though it was totally clear what the truth was. I realized people only choose to believe in what they like. What makes them feel good and relevant. What they think is the truth. After several back and forth with her I just stopped responding to her. And I am sure I won't be talking to her again. See, if you know the right path, follow it a lot of people in their thousands may be going the other direction. It might be...


You know how you always want to be with someone you love? How everything they do seems perfect? You practically live through each day mesmerized by their love but when this changes then you've got to open your eyes and see this changes We all face this at some point. Practically all of us. Could be someone new person in the background stealing the spotlight or someone who hasn't let go re-kindling old fire How do I know the love isn't what it used to be? 1. When you call and he doesn't pick( it could be for some other reason) 2. When nothing you say seems funny to him 3. When you chat him up and he reads without replying 4. When he gives excuses on promises made 5. When he refuses to talk after an argument, quarrel, fight, misunderstanding 6. When he starts seeing faults that normally don't count 7. When he gives more attention to other people 8. When he knows exactly what to do to make you  not angry yet he doesn't 9. When he doesn't return...


Hi guys, so I have been away for some days. I have been occupied with the holidays but I am back! Today I will be discussing an important issue. A lot of people will not buy into my idea but this is my own stance and I wish to share it with you guys.... There is something called "Baba Isale" in yoruba language speaking tribe of Nigeria. This baba isale is someone you look up to, someone you run to when in need, someone that supports you in all you do. This person helps you in all areas even politically, economically and the likes. In business there is something called insurance, now I do not have so much knowledge of business and how this insurance works but I know it's a sort of covering on one's life or property incase of death or accident. Now, because you have someone like this in your life( baba isale), you become firm. You become bold. Nothing bothers you any longer solely because you have someone that has your back at all times! We've all been b...


I woke up this morning to the sad news of the flood in Benue State, Nigeria and this is coming days apart after the flood in Houston,U.S.A. I cannot begin to feel how helpless and scared these people are presently neither can I wish same for my enemies. This didn't happen because it was their fault. Houston, Texas  This is best defined to me as a catastrophe created by man though it can be an act of nature. Right now I do not want to apportion blames, I just want something done for these people to make them safe and keep them from further harm Benue state, Nigeria Benue state , Nigeria  A lot of Nigerian celebrities are currently under fire because most of the are putting up the #PrayForHouston post on their instagram pages and neglecting #PrayForBenue post, some readers and fans are not taking it lightly citing that they should be more concerned about their own country. Personally, it doesn't matter to me. Houston is a part of a county as much as Ben...


Happy holidays to all my ardent readers. To all my Muslim brothers and sisters, I say Barka de sallah... it's really a long holiday which is totally good for my soul.. All through this week I have been going through so much, from work, to sorting out my life and most especially emotional worries ( majorly the problem), last week I saw something that isn't the first time I will be seeing it but this time it totally put me off and I decided I wasn't going to take any of it anymore. I spoke to the person involved and I got same reply as always.... chill. Well, I told this person to go sort all the issues this person has and then the person can decide to come for me but until then no more closure..... At this point so many thoughts came up in my head, I started skipping food, my weight reduced and just this morning I asked my mother if i've grown skinny and she said yes! Omg! This morning I got down on my knees to pray( I haven't prayed personally in a long time) ...


So this is the concluding part of our discussion. Read on and share 3. APOLOGIZE:- Apology goes a long way in correcting one's wrong as this will ultimately prove that you have changed. It also shows that you are remorseful. After taking responsibility, you have to also apologize no matter who was wrong or right. 4. IDENTIFY YOUR MISTAKES/ CORRECT THEM/ MOVE ON:- One thing I did wrong about the incident I used as an example earlier was my inability to identify and accept my flaws but the good news is I later did, you too can! In all things we do in life, people will get on our last nerves same as we too will on theirs, people will walk over you, treat you basically as trash ( family, friends, colleagues, partners just name it) but we should not see it as an avenue to be mistaken. Be guided. Treat them with love, help them see where they have wronged you and accept them for who they are. You can also show them how to correct their mistakes and most importantly, allow them to mo...


Do you know you are wonderfully and fearfully made? Only made that another version if you cannot be found else where in the world? So unique that no one carries your prototype? If your answer is yes, then know this today, you have made it in life. While working on this topic, I was watching a wedding video of a cerebral palsy warrior, he is a graduate in one of the most expensive University here in Nigeria, a resourceful marketer. I couldn't believe my eyes! He is wonderfully made to fit into God's plan for his life. What about you? So you think you cannot go beyond your current predicament? Or that you cannot get a better job? You think someone is doing better than you? That heart break was so devastating and you think you cannot love again? Oh, she spoke badly of me and now I have low self esteem? Come on girl,Look beyond now and know a better you lies inside waiting to burst out! You have being programmed in a way that anything life throws at you, you can contain. Yo...


Early this morning I was having my morning devotion and as I scanned through my phone for the topic of today's message I saw something that both opened and pricked my heart in which so many of us are fully guilty of ( I do not exempt myself), we all are guilty of it as some point in our lives. Admitting that you are wrong can be very tasking and tedious you know? But it takes an individual with an excellent spirit and character to admit one's wrong-doing. You know, it is tasking. This topic reminds me of an issue that happened between my sister and I. You see it happened that I was the one who was wrong but I couldn't bring myself to admit my fault. I was hot-headed and this act robbed off on our closeness and communication for that week but we later got back some how, we are sisters! Having said all these, I want us to look at the next few points on how to admit a mistake, they include: 1. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY:- The first step to do take in admitting your mistake...


A lot of time we hear people say the best is yet to come, but we never know the actual time this best is set to come! Like me, whenever I hear this, something cringes inside my stomach. Often times, we have so many things planned out for ourselves and instead of working thus plans to fruity, we lazy under the umbrella of "the best is yet to come". I write from this view. I haven't been outside Nigeria most of my life but the little I have seen here is enough for me to state that most Nigerians are the problems of themselves. Take for instance, you have an idea in your mind to start an Ice block business and knowing that the business involves a large amount of capital, time and energy you sit in your house all day chanting "I know I will make it, the best is yet to come" when the proper thing to do is to go out and source for the capital needed to kick start your business. Your best is not yet to come, your best is HERE! Now is the time to launch out into th...